General Information
What is a MyMatR Duo?
How does MyMatR Duo work?
What can the waste container sort?
How accurate is MyMatR’s sorting?
How long does it take to sort waste?
How many items can a unit sort?
How many waste streams can the MyMatR Duo Sort?
Where are MyMatR's units manufactured?
Requirements and Maintenance
Is an electrical connection required?
How much power does a MyMatR Duo draw?
Is an internet connection required?
What are the dimensions of a MyMatR unit?
Is there a warranty with MyMatR?
Value Added
How does this solution save the planet?
How does this unit create cash from trash?
What are data driven improvements and how do I realize them?
What is the typical ROI on a MyMatR unit?
What is the typical ROI on a MyMatR unit?
What type of data is collected?
How is data collected and accessed?